Sound & Art Annual Meeting #2 ‘Representation and action: How do we co-create change and co-exist in a world in crises’

23 May 2024

The topic of the meeting will be “Representation and Action: How Do We Co-Create Change and Co-Exist in a World in Crises?” With this, we wish to create a space for knowledge sharing within the sound art and experimental music communities in Denmark and abroad as a reaction to an increasingly polarized world with conflicts and wars, as well as the limiting structures of our society that affect people differently.

We therefore ask: How can artists, composers and cultural institutions situated in the Global North unlearn normdriven power structures inherent in their societies? How can this lead to an understanding of our own positions and our possibilities for taking action through co-creation and unlearning? And how do these actions influence our understanding of co-existence and representation within the fields of art making and musical composition?

The day promises a dynamic program featuring presentations, conversations, and moments for self-reflection. You will get to meet Jessie Marino, Stas Shärifulla, Kemê Pellicer and Rosa Lois Balle Yahiya, and together, we will explore ways to gain insight into possible changes, and our own biases and become resonant.

The Sound & Art Annual Meeting #2 will take place the 23rd of May during SPOR Festival in collaboration with Sound Art Lab.



09:50 – 10:00 Arrival and Check-In at Remisen, Godsbanen (Skovgaardsgade 3, Entrance 3H).

10:00 – 10:15  Welcome.

10:15 – 11:00  The Positive Reinforcement Campaign – Artist Talk with Jessie Marino. Jessie’s talk will focus on the making of Murder Ballads II: The Positive Reinforcement Campaign and discuss ideas about artistic collaboration, drawing from folk music traditions in the context of “Neue Musik”, and the acceptable and unacceptable forms of violence which are invoked in this song cycle. In the second half of the talk, moderator Rosa Lois Balle Yahiya will lead an open session for questions and discussion with the audience.

11:00 – 11:15 Break 15 min

– Keynote speech by Stas Shärifulla
Originating from Eastern Siberia, Russia, with Bashqort heritage, Stas Shärifulla is studying how the variety of sonic and listening practices serve as tools for community-building, the preservation of collective memory, political imagination, and action ethnography. During this talk, Stas will present some of the methodology behind his hybrid approach to various sonic practices, research, and activism, while specifically focusing on the concept of becoming-resonant — a set of ‘exercises in de-alienation’.

12:30 – 13:15 Lunch at Spiselauget, Godsbanen.

13:30 – 15:00 Sensing diversity – workshop by Kemê Pellicer
In this workshop, we will work on our awareness and understanding of diversity. Together, we’ll explore ways to expand our perspectives, connect with our senses and practice reflection towards a more accessible practice/field.

15.00 – 15.30 Conclusion and thanks.

Rosa Lois Balle Yahiya will guide us through the day safely. Rosa is the founder and CEO of Another Life Community – a non-profit association working to increase representation and improve conditions for minoritised individuals and women in the Danish music and cultural industry.

At the Sound & Art Annual Meeting you will get to meet:

Jessie Marino is a Berlin-based composer, performer, and media artist . Her compositions and solo performances abstract ideas drawn from all stripes of popular culture and political discourse, girded by a definitively humanistic sensibility rife with equal doses of wit and pathos. Marino’s pieces score out sound, video, story, lighting, and staging, treating each of these elements as expandable musical materials. She transcends the conventional materials of composition to help audiences locate music in the most commonplace activities and relations.

Stas Shärifulla, also known as HMOT, is an artist-researcher based in Basel, Sound Art Lab Stas Shärifulla aka HMOT working with sound and decoloniality. He is an associate researcher at Critical Media Lab HGK FHNW, a guest lecturer, and mentor at the Institut Kunst Gender Natur HGK, and a PhD student at the University of Basel. As a self-taught quraysı, Stas structures his live performances around the idea of how the musical tradition transforms when approached by someone with a remote, secondhand perspective. His other works, including mixed-media installations, lectures, interventions, etc., usually focus on related themes of identity-based oppression, forced migration, and resource extractivism.

Kemê Pellicer is a multidisciplinary artist, parent and culture worker based in Helsinki . As a culture worker, she has worked since 2016 as a facilitator, educator, artistic content producer, and consultant for Arts and Culture institutions/organisations through antiracist and intersectional feminist practices. E.g. “An inclusive cultural sector in the Nordics” project led by Arts Council Norway.Currently, Kemê is also a Dialogue facilitator for Arts Promotion Center Finland, part of the diversity agents group by Culture for All Finland and the co-curator of the #StopHatredNow festival.

Sound & Art annual meeting is an initiative initiated by SPOR Festival, Struer Tracks and Sound Art Lab developed together with Art Music Denmark and Danish Composers’ Society.

The goal is to strengthen networking and knowledge sharing for everyone who deals artistically with sound, with focus on a highly topical topic. With the Sound & Art Annual Meeting we focus on an international audience, and for this reason the event will be held in english

Sound & Art Annual Meeting is supported by the Cultural Pool for Regional Development, Art Music Denmark and the Danish Composers’ Society.

Date: Thursday May 23, 2024

Time: 10 AM – 3:30 PM + a separate evening program with dining and SPOR performances.

Place: Remisen at Godsbanen: Skovgaardsgade 3, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

Price: Free (lunch and coffee included)

Registration by email to before May 17 is required due to catering. There will be a no-show fee of 300 DKK in case of cancellation later than May 22, 12 PM.

Take part in SPOR festival performances and our dinner event Thursday May 23 at Pica Pica (6:30 PM – 8:00 PM). Dinner will consist of Spanish tapas with vegetarian options available.

Buy your ticket here.

Check out the rest of the performance and installation program of SPOR Festival